Song of the Day (87): Hellhound on My Trail – Robert Johnson    

Song of the Day (87) - Hellhound on My Trail by Robert Johnson

In 1937, Robert Johnson stared down a microphone and recorded this song which has haunted us ever since. ”Hellhound on My trail” plays on the myth of Robert Johnson, the guitarist who ambled about with no special talent then vanished, when he returned, he sang and played like a man possessed, his guitar sounding like nothing anyone had heard before. The story goes that he met the devil at the crossroads and traded his soul for the ability to play guitar.  

“Hellhound on My Trail” captures the essence of Johnson’s sound, lyrics about dark forces pursuing him, guitar work that captures his despair and energy. Lines from this song and guitar sounds echo throughout later blues and rock and roll. No surprise that he earned the moniker, “King of the Delta Blues.”  

#Songoftheday #spreadinghappiness #robertjohnson #deltablues #bluesmusic  

