Early Springsteen from his first album, “Greetings for Asbury Park.” Heard this album and immediately knew I’d follow that Pied Piper anywhere, so alive, so urgent. They say that when Bob Dylan first heard these songs, he warned the younger singer that he used so many words he’d better watch it, you’re gonna “use up the entire English language.”
Got that first album, and then the second and first heard Springsteen in 1973 or 74 at C.W. Post, long before Born to Run and the Time magazine cover. It’s always cool when you latch onto a musical act before they become big. No one has ever called Springsteen a puck act, but he had that rebellious spirit that in the day ran over the more corporate arena rock bands.
#Songoftheday #spreadinghappiness #brucespringsteen #springsteen #greetingsfromasburypark
YouTube: https://youtu.be/rdP3y4k2KKU?si=jeGhSXHWF7hD4E5t
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/218wztz9mZdDX8Ia1OkUvq?si=0f6667fa4b1e48d2