Song of the Day (76): Sun Comes Up, It’s Tuesday Morning – Cowboy Junkies

Song of the Day (76)- Sun Comes Up, It’s Tuesday Morning by Cowboy Junkies

Coming out of Toronto, most of the members of the Cowboy Junkies come from the Timmons family with Michael writing the songs and playing guitar and Margo providing the ethereal vocals that float round you then next thing you know, they’re wrapped around your heart and squeezing. 

This song captures the sharp edges of the freedom that comes when a relationship ends and the absence of what was once the lover in your life. He was not a bad boy, but a bad man, but that doesn’t mean you don’t miss him. At the same time, you learn to relish the new freedom in your life. 

It is such a beautiful song that rolls over you like a fag until you feel the strength in the lyrics and performance.  

