What a powerful song. Chapman’s imagination creates a world we can believe and understand with vivid details that avoid the benign and the sentimental. And her understated performance has us leaning forward to hear, making the impact all the greater. It is like the orator who eschews shouting for a whisper.
The song can break our hearts. Forget the politicians pontificating about poverty, the academics and their dry numbers that fail to convey the truth and the policy wonks and their paternalism and listen to how hard it is to get by and how hope can be snuffed out.
Released in 1988, the song had a revival of sorts when Luke Combs covered it and put a spotlight back on Chapman.
#Songoftheday #spreadinghappiness #tracychapman #fastcar
YouTube: https://youtu.be/AIOAlaACuv4?si=AUjCjeupPOhnWR-B
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2M9ro2krNb7nr7HSprkEgo?si=1b47b3727edb4056