Song of the Day (153): If We Make It Through December – Merle Haggard

Song of the Day (153) - If We Make It Through December by Merle Haggard

Songs like this are why Merle Haggard earned the nickname “The Poet of the Working Man.” This song tells the story of a factory worker losing his job despite “working hard.” All the world is in the holiday mood, all the world is buying gifts, but December is cold and dark for the singer and he’s hurting because he can’t buy his daughter the Christmas gifts she wants.

Perhaps this song clues us in on some of the divide n the U.S.  The hardworking man who loses his job because someone else controls his fate. He turns on the TV and sees so many others living well and celebrating, but those good times pass him by.

Yet there is a hard earned hope. He’ll fight his way through December and maybe by the summer will be in a better place.

I know some say they don’t like country. Well, this is a country song, but it transcends any limiting box.  It is why so many have covered it and why I turn to it often.

#Songoftheday #spreadinghappiness #merehaggard #countrymusic #makeitthroughDecember

